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Afia Asor
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - When you discover the kind of spiritual and physical environments you are in, in places of familiy, church, residence, work, etc, after being a good historian, give yourself a warmest advice on what next to do.

The bible says, nothing new under the sun. Things are just moving in repeated cycle. Only God does new things for us after we have employed Him - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - In our daily quest for affluence, material success, academic excellence, financial success, etc, we should never stop to pray to God to help us to understand the difference between vanity and modesty in each step we take. 

Many people have lost their estate in destiny because they either traded modesty as vanity or vanity as modesty.  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - To be opened minded, go for spirituality.

Spirituality is not about casting demons, speaking in tongues, quoting scriptures, shouting out loud when praying. (they are helpful anyway)

Spirituality according to my bible is knowing God and knowing your identity in Christ Jesus 

John 17:3
Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - The greatest valuable gift, that's little recognised among us, which a man can ever offer to his fellow man is presenting him or her to God in prayer.

Prayer secures life
 prayer opens doors
prayer increases finances
Prayer brings about realizations 
prayer detain the evil ones
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - God didn't create poverty as part of His kingdom pillars but all riches.
Poverty for believers is our own works against God's law.

Uncompromised poverty is always a condition but abundance is our nature. Deuteronomy 15:5-8 - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - People with long term plans can really be indescribably dangerous; such is also the devil.

All systems outside the corridors of God that promise freedom is a scum from the devil chiefly to enslave you and your entire generations forever. .

Don't seek help from the devil for any reason - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - Being a member of the spiritual fraternity in Christ Jesus,  a must call to feed the spirit more than the body is a daily order.

The spirit grows well with these basic requirements: the word of God, prayer, fasting. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - If we live in an expectation of receiving from those we once gave, we destroy our own seeds from bearing fruits.. 
When your kindness to others bears fruit, you will receive also from people you have not given. 

Don't let the ingratitude from others hinders you from continuing helping others
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - If you are too busy to forget to put on your dress and shoes when stepping out, you will be found naked.

In the presence of prayer, covering is a promise.

#The vision#
 Habakkuk 2:14
For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of the glory of the LORD

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - Drinking poison from God won't kill you. But the life from the devil is as sure as death.

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - King makers / unmakers are not kings themselves; but by their words one can either be dethroned or enthroned. 

Don't despise a genuine man of God because you have earthly substances he doesn't have. His words have respect in Heaven that can change your circumstances.

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - Every active kingdom is constituted by rules and regulations and people in a kingdom become great when they appreciate a kingdom's rules and regulation.

If you obey the LORD your God and faithfully keep all his commands, he will make you greater than any other people on earth.
Deuteronomy 28:1

"Keep trying to live by all His commandments" 

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - Have you given your life to a deity, vowed to follow Jesus Christ?
You cannot be satisfied without adhering His ways
Christ said, "without me, you can do nothing."
John 15:5

Do whatever so possible to know Jesus' interest in any decision you dare take to avoid fatal consequences. 

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - Believers are required to build power of defence against worldliness; being knowledgeable enough about God's distastefulness about worldliness if they want wealth from God in the world, lest it transforms them into worldlines..

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - If you can, make every good effort to prevent leakages with your time.
Invest in anything that can help you to generate enough and spare time for yourself.
Anyone whose time is often wasted will hardly rise up in fulfilling all his life assignments. 

Things like car, shaving machine, washing machine, homeservants are needed, as we age up, if you want time to generate wealth for you

A must read

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - Until the Biblical truth becomes living in us, there is no way such truth can be appreciated, thus it calls for daily prayer to God to give us revelation of His truth.

This is the reason why people may know what the bible says but they are not perturbed to pursue them..

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - We are not made to be like others but to be ourselves, and to know yourself is a process of continous studying and truthful acceptance of discovery about yourself. 

Studying your own self is a journey travelled on by those desiring genuity of themselves. 

Kwabena Frimpong  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - God has been wrongly introduced to many as a problem solver. This will never permit anyone to properly see the beauty of God.
You are blessed if you know God as a father to relate with about everything pertaining to your life. 

Kwabena Frimpong  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - Living life again on this earth after the expiration of this current life is real according to the creator's manual (Bible), and it is potentially  for us all, 
What qualifies a man to live again is to be born again in Christ Jesus.

To be born again is accepting to live in the total offer Jesus gives to man

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor -  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - Favour yourself by working anxiety out of your life, for it enslaves the energy from the mind.
Learn to trust the God.
Always say a prayer to Him.
Look out for a way to help someone in your own measured way, look for the success of God's church.
Stay where you can always respond Amen.

Peace shall flow in your heart like a river.

Kwabena Frimpong  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - Just understand that the wholeness of God  stands for our fortune than misfortune.
When this is well established in the heart, poisonous substances like anxiety, fear of our past errors, etc will evaporate away.

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - All purposes in our lives require strict training – losing weight, learning to read, exercising,  earning higher certificates, and so much more, and so must the soul against ungodliness 

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - 

Genesis 2:7 
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

The spirit of a man must, supposedly, be a dwelling place for God, purposely to direct man in all areas of his life.

The soul is made up of the mind, emotion and will, purposely to have independence to decide what to do with all information that may come from God, to obey or to disobey. (The soul only knew obedience when man had not known sin.)

The body is designed to carry out orders from what the soul of a man has concluded over information from God through man's own spirit.

The original sin from Eden changed that divine order, making the body powerful enough to control the soul and dethroned the spirit of man from its highest position. . At that point, man lost connection with God, that the bible called spiritual death. 

The conquering of sin by Jesus gives every man the opportunity to restore himself to his original state where all about his life comes from God.

Kwabena Frimpong  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - To be able to check up the state of your soul is a blessing.
It is easily tempting to decorate the outter body with diamonds and forget the real us ( the soul ) in wretchedness.

Obeying God as *the scripture has defined* guarantees solution to the soul's wretchedness .

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - It is a wise thing to do: never bear a grudge that can impaire your future advantage. 
Only bear a grudge to eliminate future troublers 

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - We usually admire what is distance than what is near us: this has caused many people to have closed down eyes on their own talents whiles wishing for talents of others. 

Until you appreciate what you have, it cannot appreciate you before people.

Kwabena Frimpong  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - Uniqueness is the distinguishable hallmark about God's handwork; voices differences, geographical differences, body structures differences, and so gifts, abilities, ministries-callings are different.

Missing your uniqueness is a great deal against your life

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - 

Kwabena Frimpong 
( Evil spirit rebuked the seven sons of Sceva,  saying, 'Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but who are you?'After they attempted to use the power force in the name  Jesus, Acts 19:15

Even though the name Jesus Christ is powerful, it can not be empowered to force by every mouth. 
Sharpen your mouth with unwavering faith in Christ Jesus to receive power to empower His name to work for you. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - The elasticity of God has no stretching end. Individually, we have the ability to decide a stretched size of God we want for ourselves. 

The size of God some had once stretched could make them become immortals like Enoch and Elijah. 

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - Know this, every law in the bible that still materialised in Jesus Christ were ushered to rescue us from threatening inauspicious of time when we obey them.

We break ourselves when we break His divine life given laws

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - The worst phase to embrace daily in life is to be absented of what time it is now for you?

1 Chronicles 12:32
of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, 

Psalm 90:12 
Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - It is true that failure can be a springboard into success, nevertheless, repeated failing is not good for our mental health; such weakens our confidence.

Identifying what you love to do has no syndrome of checking failing or success; success is guaranteed here.

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - Being at ease with negative people is our power source that brings out the light already in us to shine for the world.

In electricity, positive terminals only cannot give light, they need negative terminals.

Negative people can be God's instrument for our elevation. 
Only stay positive, negative touching you will switch your light on.

Kwabena Frimpong  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - The blessed training any parent can bless a child is the child knowing how to live under parental instruction with ease

Proverbs 6:23  
 For a lamp is the command, 
And the law a light,
 And a way of life are reproofs of instruction,

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - In a movie, hardly do we see a leading character fulfilling final task without bruises and pains inflicted on the body.

Our bruises and pains are irrelevant until success is in view.
Don't stop because you are hurting. 

Kwabena Frimpong  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - Because of our natural limitations, it becomes a wise move to befriend the natural unlimited - God

With God, possibilities are our daily miracle.

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - The teaching that encourages men to just believe because the bible has said ,'He (God) has already provided," is from the pit of hell to hinder anyone to assess destiny.

Our mandate is to go with God (not going alone) for what He has already provided as He once told the Israelite, "I have given you all the lands but go and fight for it, for I the Lord would be with you."Believe in God, step out with Him and return home successfully. 

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - One of the key benefits of being knowledgeable about the word of God is to get answers for the devil and your own thoughts.

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - Without the help of God we are likely going to run on a path which end is called shame.
The devil is good with opening  gates of shame with their enticements that are catchy to our senses. 
It is always the desire of the devil to juice away the best that are in us, he wants us to become wanderers; living  depressed  lives.
Your God is your strength!!!
Fear not what your enemies plan against you.
But your God delivers!!!!

Shame comes only when we have let go off God in our lives.
Behold your God forever, in your weakness he shall be your strength.We need God and His help

Kwabena Frimpong  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - The wishers of our wellbeing are many but the ensurers of our wellbeing are few

They are all important anyway

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - It is always good to say a discomforting truth than to say a comforting lie.

Your own mind will sometimes fight you when trying to live in this golden world.

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - You are always safe opening the bible, however lacking understanding to what you read can be demaging to the soundness of your mind.

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - 

Reading the bible as reading a story book and not jumping from chapters and verses randomly will automatically gives you a good picture of the content of the bible

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - Nothing so beats a man except ignorance.
And ignorance is a mind hungered from knowledge. 
And knowledge is the assess to relevant information.
And relevant information can be sourced only from the relevant source (God-Bible).

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - Faithfulness is an answered call from peace.
Peace is an answered call from faithfulness .

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - Financial increment is not solely under God's domain but satan's; with the souls they have already conquered.

Spirits (holy spirit and evil spirits) give their servants money for the purpose to influence others - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - A well dressed, well marked up and decorated corpse which is put in a nicest coffin is still a dead body.

Living in the best of all that the world can give of, and you are outside God and Christ Jesus, you are like a dead body well decorated in a world nicest coffin.

(The soul that is real you and inside your body is dead without Jesus Christ)

Howbeit, going with God and Christ Jesus is not a standard to commemorate poverty. 

Kwabena Frimpong  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - It doesn't matter how fast your car go move, you will be compelled to slow down if a road is so bad.
You may be well gifted, so talented, very genius, highly ambitious, many reasons are available to hinder you and  present you to people as a fool.

Humbly submit yourself to God in prayer as the scripture below teaches us and God will speed you up in life.

Psalm 143 : 10  
"Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground!"

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Afia Asor
Quote by Afia Asor - Give space in your heart daily to accommodate God.
Nothing is so satisfying when God is absent.
 God in the scene life becomes meaningful 

The hope of glorious eternity of our lives is when God is part from the beginning of our lives.

Kwabena Frimpong  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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