Isaac Hau profile
Isaac Hau
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God is everything Jesus is the music in soul
Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - You are worth 
 - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - All glory comes from 
daring to begin - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Forgiveness is 
twice blessed - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Life is a journey
if you stop on the way you will miss the track.
if you go the wrong way you 
will miss the destiny
if you are slow you
 will miss the bus
if you go alone you 
can't go far
Life is a journey....! keep going,  take the right path, be on time, and have someone to journey together always....!
Life is a journey..!

@isaachau - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Secret of success
Do first thing first
But don't do the last thing at the last moment
 - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - bigger than all my problems bigger than anything
He is bigger than any mountain
that I can see and cannot see
He is my God 
 - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - God knows the best  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Don't limit your challenges; challenge your limits. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Great minds have purpose, others have wishes. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - All our dreams can come true -
 if we have the courage
 to pursue them. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - "The light shines in the darkness, 
and the darkness has not overcome it." 
- John 1:5 (Bible) - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - If you feel pain you are alive
If you feel the pain of others 
then you are human - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Replace the fear of the unknown with curiosity... - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - "Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see."

Mark Twain - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - My God is strong 
His love never fails
His name is eternal
My God reigns forever.  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - There is no time to love
when you grumble - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - The happiness of our lives, depends on the quality of our thoughts. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Dear God I'm not perfect
But you are perfect
I'm weak but you are strong. 
I need you Lord today - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau -  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - I'm not the best 
but I always
 give my best
💯 ❤ - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Nothing is possible unless 
you make it happen - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - God always gives the best - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - You speak what 
you already know.
To silent,
 listen and observe.

@isaachau - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - All that is given is not lost - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Don Bosco used to say
" If people don't love you then
Something is wrong with you" - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - She gave her everything 
to make us everything - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - People with 
goals succeed
 because they 
know where
 they are going.

@isaachau - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Keep the first 
thing first
But do the last thing 
before the last moment

@isaachau - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - All glory comes from daring to begin - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Smile costs you nothing
but gives you everything 
 without payment - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - I have only one life
But I am born everyday 
with new hope
I have only one heart
But my heart increases
 everyday with love - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Live to grow
Don't live to die
Because we are not 
born to die
rather we are born to live
and live till we find the real life in the Lord

@isaachau - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - God is my
And God will be 
my end 
I have no where else 
to begin with
and end with

@isaachau - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Dear God - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Paul says, "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities"

 (1 Tim 5:23)

🤗🤗 - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Sometimes we forget to love ourselves
but there are people who constantly love and think of you. 
Above all God loves us unconditionally

@isaachau - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - I am only a shadow 
 - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Cheer me up Jesus 
to smile and to be joyful like you
😁🥰😊 - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - God bless you dear. 
You are one year older, 
And one year closer to your big dream

 - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau -  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Life is a journey ... ! 
if you stop on the way you will miss the way. 
if you go the wrong way you will miss the destiny
if you are slow you will miss the bus
if you go alone you can't go far
Life is a journey....! 
keep going, take the right path, 
be on time, and have someone to journey
together always......! 
Life is a journey..! 

@isaachau - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Our life doesn't get better by Chance.
It gets better by Choice.
 - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - The secret of living a peaceful
life is, having everything 
and possessing nothing.  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - It is said; 'Bloom  where you are planted'. 
But in today's world we are no longer
planted.....rather we are thrown
 to face the world
So," Bloom,  where you
are thrown...."

@isaachau - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Thank you March my good friend
Welcome April my young friend...... 
grow, bloom and keep giving life..... 

@isaachau - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - Learn to grow old gracefully

The older you are 
Pray more 
love more
 give more 
and be more grateful

@isaachau - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - 
Regrets and mistakes 
make memories. 
 - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - We have only
 what we give
 - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Isaac Hau
Quote by Isaac Hau - God bless and keep you brother
Let your light keep burning🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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