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Nirjara Rai
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - Do work with your heart and
soul whether it's a small work on
it's a big work ..
गर् म
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - No poison can kill
a positive thinker ,
and no medicine can save a
negative thinker.
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - Winners never quit, and
never win !
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - Beauty catches the attention,,
But character catches the
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - Never leave a true relation
for few faults,
Nobody is perfect.
Nobody is correct at the end.
Affection is always greater
than perfection.
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - fEnovledge is only
the things which you
shore the ore you
29ill get the MOre.....
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - when life gives you
handred heasos
s cry....
how-t tha you have
a thousand reasons to
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - d dont respect those
who dont respect me.
you can call it EGO.
I call it self respect.
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - Dent peel bad
Esomcone reject you
People usually rject cxpensive
things because they can'r
apord them
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - No one notices your tears,
No one notices, your sadness,
No one notices your pains,
But they alb notice your
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - you
don't always need a plan .
sometimes you just need to
breathe, trust, let go, and see
what happens ...
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - Peace neither be kept.
force nor
by emotion.
But by love and understanding
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - When you talk, you're
only repeating what
you already knowie,
But if you listen you may learn
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - If you cannot do great things...
Do small things in a great way..
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - Ego - kill it...
Cove -
value it...
smile - keep it...
Gossip - ignore it...
success - achieved it...
jealousy - distance it.
knowledge - Acquire it.
vtonfident - trust it.
 - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - Always end the day with a positive thought.
No matter how hard things were, tomorrow's a
fresh opportunity to make it better
- Good Night
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - Like dainty Flower petals fluttering
in the gentle breeze of spring, his
soft Smile makes my heart flutter.
And just like spring, just like the
colour pink, something else make
my heart beat.. It's you
pink blossoming
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - If you don't Love yoirself, nöbody
will. Not önly that.
won't be
good at, loving anyone else. Loving
starts with the self.
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - I eat every two hours S
hours 1have lots of water 9. I
.... I sleep for nine
pray to keep gam
I have smite on my face
.... Most importantly,
idya Balan
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - Never give up
Today is hard
tomorrow wi/ be worse
but the day after tomorrow will be
Jack MA
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - Just because a person smiles all
the time doesn't mean their life
is perfect.
That smile is a symbol of Hope
and Strength.
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - No matter how good you are,
someone is always going to be
against you. But never let them be
the limit of your success
-Terry Mark
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - Share your smile with the world.
Its a
symbol of friendship and
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - Jon't wan unjil you reach your gual to be proud of yourself. de prond of every step you take.
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - Create jay psil
Sprul of playfulies.
fragrance of cheerfulnen
Cnd pring of laughter
Saritha Horamane
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Nirjara Rai
Quote by Nirjara Rai - Caughter is timeless.
Imagination has no age...
And dreams are forever..O
Walt Disney
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