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Pushpa Ahlawat
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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"How to respond in a situation is our choice but not the situation."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"During anger, there's little chance that we become rational, we point finger on others for this."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Beggar of hope always ruin."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says.

"Be wounded is okay but be hurted is not okay."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Emotions should not be reactive but be responsive."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Our emotions work the way we identify ourselves with them."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Nothing changes, only perspective changes according according to the phases of life."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Screaming give birth to the most beautiful thing or ugly thing."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"The Home in which women are truly in peace and love with each other, is a real heaven."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"For better world everyone should own empathy."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Dreams are mere past experiences of human being." 

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"The thing which is out of our range. best thing is to ignore it."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"When your heart starts to beat fast on small lie, its means you're a true person."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Lie betrays first with ourselves rather than others."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Body send indications. Observe them and take action about them."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Learn true meaning of life from the activities of a child." ( live in present moments )

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Healing starts with hurting."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Situations aren't in our control but responses are definitely in our control."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Seasons of life try to control our thoughts."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"A true person can't survive on false things."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

In Ego, if one can't see the truth of relations, may lose the best relations in life."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"You can heal fast with inner strength, and right environment  enhance speed."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"We can focus better in our premises rather than outside."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Purity of heart matters more than words of mouth."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Culture is living shadow of 
our ancestral."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"One who has freedom of himself and his time, is truly happy."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"The day when pain of humanity will be same, the God will become same automatically."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"People follow Religion for their selfish motives, but not follow what true religious teachings teach them."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"A soft Split personality is more dangerous than a hard personality."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"It's easy to worship an idol but hard to be peaceful with living being."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Bigotry is like parasite, its survives on the name of religion."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Religion is far beyond the truth of life."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Keep a person in your life who can help you in ventilating of your negative thoughts"

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Knowledge means understanding that can apply in life. "

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Past, works as a base for the unity of hatred."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"If you have soft feelings than people automatically be soft towards you."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Pray from heart works as miracle."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Evil needs Goodness for its sustainability."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Learn to differentiate 
between Me and Mine."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Value of a thing can be vary according to the demands of an individual."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Don't think about them who impact you negatively." 

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"People follow superstition
 as per their demands."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Our gestures are the outward expression of our inward conditions."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Most of times, We are master of our decisions but slave of our choices."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"The biggest thing is accept the thing that happened and also accept the thing that hasn't happen."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Set a boundary of your dignity so that no one can try to cross it."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says.

"Sympathy earning game in relations loses real Sympathy one day."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Constant changing nature is harmful in relations." 

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"Dreams come true while intension is pure."

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Pushpa Ahlawat
Quote by Pushpa Ahlawat - My Buddha Says. 

"We are the first victim of our anger."

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