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Suman Suru
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Suman Suru
Quote by Suman Suru - "Don't waste your time on
jealousy. Sometimes you're
ahead, sometimes you're behind.
The race is long, and in the end,
it's only with
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Suman Suru
Quote by Suman Suru - "Talent wins games, but
teamwork and intelligence wins
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Suman Suru
Quote by Suman Suru - Failure will never overtake me if my
determination to succeed is strong
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Suman Suru
Quote by Suman Suru - Fear less, hope more; Tat less, chew
more; Whine less, breathe more;
Talk less, say more; Love more, and
all good things will be yours
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Suman Suru
Quote by Suman Suru - Complaining about the past
will keep us where we are.
If anything,Hearn from the
, live in the now and look
forward to the future.
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Suman Suru
Quote by Suman Suru - Trust is like an eraser. It gets
smaller and smaller after every
@cutie suru_08
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Suman Suru
Quote by Suman Suru - Love what you
Need what you want.
Accept what you receive.
Give what you can.
Always remember, what goes
around, comes around!
@cutie suru_08
 - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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