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netravathi pattar
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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - The best tonics add up your day is a smile . Thank you for the little spirit which makes us move forward in our life  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - have faith in you ... work hard . you will lead to destiny.. nobody can stop you ... if you have passion to perceive what you want.  

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - Be humble to your heart . A perfect soul will always find a better way to heal from traumas 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - Recollecting those little dreams that we had in our childhood will make us happy for no reason .... these are little hopes which gives strength to lead our day to day life 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - chanting the name of God or mantras are a good source of keeping out of the negative loop which is recurring in mind.. . Is it not ?

Netravati Pattar  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - chanting the name of God or mantras are a good source of keeping out of the negative loop which is recurring in mind.. . Is it not ?

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - Be as you are .. others will change .. at the end simplicity wins than others 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - It's always the mind that suggests not going for a difficult path ... when we get a perfect result after crossing a long journey with courage is most precious moment 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - Hustlers are always searching for something better than before .... It gives a happy feeling when you  explore new things ... 💐 💐

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - status of mind needs to be monitored  to attend the best outcome  for the present situation 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - It always works one step ahead in your day to day routine by Pushing yourself for the present scenario to attend future goals makes a firm result .

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - Reality is bitter than dream ... But hustling for a dream is more thrilling than waiting for things to happen 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - analysis of work on a daily basis will make activity more productive ... It results in understanding work load and completing with optimum outcome

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - try to handle your thoughts because you spend the same time thinking positive and negative .. please try to communicate with you positively... It costs nothing .. but you will have higher energy 

Netravati Pattar  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - sailing boat 🚢 of life is joyful ... love your journey with all positive vibes ... smile your way add one good things every day.. at end of journey sure you have wonderful memories.. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - The waves of the sea are so beautiful.,.... Trying to float on  waves will experience thrilling joy .. 

Netravati Pattar  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - hoping for things to go smoothly  with all happiness at the end .... Believe in a miracle ... waiting for that  dream 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - forget about other comments on your results.. concentrate on what best you can accomplish today which gives a miracle result to your life at the end 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - clarity in thought what is good for us is really important to avoid distraction 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - productive use of time and  Organised workload are key to make professional life fruitful 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - allighing your daily thoughts for your goal is very important.....
  to make necessary preparations to achieve them. 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - Remember all those small victories that we had in our childhood ... they were building our strengths ,smiles on our face and courage to soul ... please collect all those victories to make you a wonderful person ahead 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - Birds keep their body clean always .... so we have to keep our thoughts and work clean to make our life beautiful 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - cheers to those inner thoughts which bring sparkle to the individual to make their goal one step closer to it... 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - Every day make a plan to live day to day activities .  Enjoying simple things and finding peace is ultimately needed for individual soul 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - planning for today and trying to complete those checklists make person happy at the end of day

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - you can start your career at any point of time .. finding self needs time .. 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - dealing with a positive attitude on any situation results with satisfied solution 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - finding peace for self is the highest currency a person can have 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - willing to learn a new concept leads to the first step towards your dream ..  May your dream come true by working every day  .. 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - It's always better to move from the loop which is causing you a negative effect on your mind . Think of it  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - we need to be very clear about our daily activities that is how we are leading our life .. leading our dream   - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - prayers are answered only believing in self ..  working towards goal .. life is full of faith ,plan ,prayers and patience 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - planning for today every morning....  trying to complete the task at the end of the day ... it's the approach that matters .. not completion.   

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - finding it hard to live in the present situation..... why life brings to the test those who are innocent ....  please take care of your thoughts ... love yourself  - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - seek blessings from God to face worldly problems ... to  fall everything in place.. to understand the world journey  in the presence of God .... 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - ಸರಿಯಾದದ್ದನ್ನು ಮಾಡಲು ಸಮಯ ಯಾವಾಗಲೂ ಸೂಕ್ತವಾಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ. - Made using Quotes Creator App, Post Maker App
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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - you need to be more clear about your goals .. when you start planning for today .. you start giving 100%.. you feel better every day.. sure one day you will reach your goal ..

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - The focus is the ultimate way of dealing tricks you have got for understanding the present situation 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - A sailing ship of life is a roller coaster...  just enjoy every moment... you will be happy in life 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - working for a goal is more important than believing in astrology... victory comes to those who believe hard work  

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - listening to intuition is very important.. it gives a person a clear picture  to make decisions in their life  

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - thank you to the one who made me  down  with comments...It made me realise life is beautiful being there for oneself. stand for self ..  believe in yourself 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - dear friends ... if you can face a presentation situation. you are able to face any life Situation...  Be bold to answer the present  

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - lighting lamp in the name of faith.. praying for a positive result ... waiting for sparkling colour in our life is a beautiful feeling 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - The beauty of life is loving self first .. Making yourself happy is the highest priority. if you are happy you can make others happy 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - power play in every day life is a must .. You don't have time for other negligence and rejection .. It's your life .. you have to lead till your last breath . You need to answer God not human beings surrounded  by you .. 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - do you believe in astrology???? it's really confusing ... But God has sent us to this earth with lots of good wishes .. powerful time and karma to follow .. Be grateful for what you have 

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - Speaking up at the right time.... working smart every day is the best way to approach goal

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netravathi pattar
Quote by netravathi pattar - slow and study wins the race 

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